
Entering the Twilight - Chapter 1

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A HakuKai/KaiHaku fan fic

Summary: Pandora has been found, the Black Organization is gone, the KID persona has been retired and all seems to be well with the world... except for the fact that Kaito can't find a way to destroy the blasted jewel! He has other things to worry about however when he's attacked in the middle of an alley late at night by a man out for a taste of his blood... Literally! After being rescued by Hakuba of all people, however, he finds out that the man and his friend aren't as human as they appear and that legends may have a grain of truth in them after all.

This is a Magic Kaitou & Detective Conan crossover with Twilight. Twilight characters won't make an appearance for a few chapters.

Chapter Rating: T

Chapter 1: Burning Alive

Kaito had it. He had Pandora. The only problem now was that he couldn’t get rid of it.  It had been nearly half a year since Kaito had found the cursed jewel and retired from being the Kaitou KID, but he was having trouble destroying the damn thing. Nothing he did seemed to put even a scratch on the stone. Tonight he’d even broken into a jewelry-manufacturing factory to use a diamond cutter. Not even that had worked and now he was starting to feel discouraged.

He let out a sigh as he entered a series of alleyways that cut across the city so that he could get home sooner. He had classes tomorrow after all. He’d taken this route hundreds of times during his time as KID running away from the KID Task Force. Every twist and turn was familiar to him as he maneuvered through the maze of interconnected alleys. Out of habit he broke out into a run, racing away from phantom pursuers, a wide smile breaking out as he imagined himself wearing the trademark white suit, monocle, and top hat with his cape flaring out behind him. The Kaitou KID’s uniform had been recently returned to the newly sealed hidden room though. He’d never wear it again. He had no reason to. The Black Organization – and by extension Snake and his men – were long gone thanks to Edogawa Conan – AKA Kudo Shinichi – and his FBI and CIA contacts. Nothing had been more satisfying for Kaito than to be a part of Kudo’s plans and put his father’s murderer behind bars. All that had been left was finding Pandora. To be honest Kaito had never thought that he’d actually find the jewel, so when he had found it he’d been greatly and pleasantly surprised.

But then came the big question. What next? Did he retire KID? Now that his father’s killers were behind bars and Pandora had been found he had no reason to continue being the Kaitou KID. While trying to figure out what to do next, he made a convincing fake replacement jewel and sent it to the museum he’d taken Pandora from.

His mother had been thrilled to hear that KID’s purpose was finally fulfilled, that her husband’s spirit could rest in peace, and that Kaito could retire and have a more legal and law abiding life. Jii had been equally happy. After seeing those two like that Kaito knew that he had to retire KID. He couldn’t stand to disappoint them. He didn’t want to give up being KID, but he was also tired of the lies. So a week after he’d found Pandora he held a series of heists and gave the Kaitou KID a grand farewell to end the thief’s career on a high note and with a bang. Many of his – Kaitou KID’s – fans had shown up and all of his favorite detectives had been there too. Even the Detective of the West, Hattori Heiji, had come all the way from Osaka to join Hakuba Saguru and a recently un-shrunk Kudo Shinichi in the final chase.

The final night had been one he’d never forget. It had gone off perfectly. He’d wound Inspector Nakamori and his Task Force up into a frenzy and led them on the biggest chase he’d ever instigated before loosing a barrage of harmless tricks that kept the good officers occupied while he continued with a more exclusive and private chase with his three detectives. Tantei-han (Hattori) had been the first to fall behind. Being rash as usual, the hotheaded Osakan had jumped the gun and ended up triggering a net trap. Tantei-kun (Kudo) had hesitated when he saw his friend all strung up and that allowed Tantei-san (Hakuba) to take the lead in their pursuit. Tantei-han had told Tantei-kun to go on ahead without him.

To Kaito’s surprise it was Tantei-kun and not Tantei-san who slipped up and fell for one of the booby traps that he had installed on his way up the stairwell. It had been a trip wire of all things to knock his greatest competitor out of the chase. The particular trap that had ensnared the great Heisei Holmes doused it’s victim in glue and glitter that stuck him to the floor. Tantei-san, meanwhile, had actually managed to avoid all of KID’s traps completely. Even six months later, Kaito was still unsure how to feel about his final confrontation as KID and how it had gone with the blond half-Brit. It had certainly been an interesting one though…


KID stood on the edge of the museum’s roof gazing up at the night’s prize in the moonlight even though he knew that it was not Pandora. As they say, old habits die hard.

“So this is the end, is it?”

KID glanced over his shoulder, his poker face hiding his surprise at seeing Hakuba instead of Kudo. Out of all three of his detective rivals Kudo had come the closest to catching him. How unfortunate that he wouldn’t have one last chance to face off with the one he considered his greatest rival. He wasn’t missing the soccer balls from hell though, and Hakuba had been his first real challenge when he’d become KID after all. Maybe it was a good thing that KID’s last heist would end in a face off against his original rival. It had been a while since they’d had one of their “chats.”

“It is,” KID grinned, spinning around to face his rival with a dramatic flourish of his cape.

“You found what you were looking for,” the blond mused, stepping out of the shadows cast by the rooftop’s stairwell and joined KID by the edge of the roof.

“Perhaps,” KID shrugged.

“I know you did,” Hakuba announced confidently. “Why else would you retire? I can only hope that whatever it took to get what you were looking for was worth it.”

“You're not going to chase me one last time Tantei-san?” KID asked, trying to sidetrack him.

“And what would be the point in that?” Hakuba snorted.

“Aww,” KID pouted. “Tantei-san, you’re spoiling my fun!”

“Sorry to disappoint,” the detective smirked. “I just came to wish you a happy and hopefully law-abiding retirement.”

“You’re not going to continue pursuing me?” KID blinked, surprised.

“Again, what would be the point?” Hakuba shrugged. “Besides, you’re a good person Kuroba. And for what it’s worth, I’m sure your father and predecessor would be proud of you. I was sorry to hear that he’d died. He was a great man even if he had been a thief.”

Kaito startled in shock behind KID’s poker face.

“I also wish you luck in destroying Pandora,” Tantei-san said, looking up at the moon, the light nearly turning the half-Brit’s golden eyes silver. “I can’t imagine that it’ll be easy. Toichi-san didn’t know what he was going to do once he got his hands on it. He even asked me for advice on how to get rid of it, should it ever come into his possession.”

“And why would he do that?” KID asked.

Hakuba only smiled enigmatically, never turning his gaze away from the moon.

KID could only stand there and stare at the detective. Time seemed to stop in that moment and KID took a chance to actually look at his rival and fellow schoolmate.

The detective was perfectly relaxed, hands in his trench coat’s pockets, and face smooth and peaceful looking. In the silvery beams of the moon, Hakuba also seemed to take on an unearthly aura. His hair and eyes almost looked silver with skin that was a clear alabaster. All of that combined with the formfitting suit and trench coat made the half-Brit look like some gorgeous otherworldly creature from the teen’s native country.

“So what now Tantei-san?” KID asked, shaking himself out of the daze he’d found himself in over the other’s appearance. “You originally came to Japan to chase me didn’t you? What are you going to do now that I’m retiring?”

“Who knows?” Hakuba shrugged. “Graduation is next week, so I’ll stick around long enough to graduate with you, Nakamori-chan and Koizumi-chan. But after that? I’m not sure.”

“Still insist that I’m that poor Kuroba boy?” KID smirked.

Hakuba finally looked away from the night sky and gave him a deadpan expression. Golden eyes glinting eerily in the city’s lights and adding to the illusion that Hakuba wasn’t of this world.

“Don’t insult me Kuroba,” he spoke lowly. “I’ve known since the beginning that it was you. Who else could find and use Toichi-san’s KID gear and resemble him so well that practically no one noticed that you were a different KID?”

“And how are you so sure that Toichi-san was my predecessor?” KID demanded.

“It’s elementary, really,” Hakuba gave him another enigmatic smile. “I met him back in London during one of his first heists. You’ll have to ask me about it sometime.”

“One of his first heists?” KID frowned. “That’s impossible. Even if Kuroba Toichi had been KID, he’d have made his début before you were even born.”

Hakuba only smirked, shaking his head.

“As I said, you’ll have to ask me about it sometime. I’m sure you’d like to know more about him. But for now, I believe that it’s time for you to bid your adoring fans farewell.”

KID frowned and looked out at the sea of people spread out before him filling entire blocks surrounding the museum to see his final heist. He turned back to demand an answer from Hakuba about his father, but the blond was already gone without a trace.

~*~*~*~*~*~END FLASHBACK~*~*~*~*~*~

Even after graduation and the six months that followed, however, Kaito had never managed to find the courage to confront the blond again to talk about his father even though the Half-Brit was still in Japan and attending the same university he was. To do so would mean actually confirming Hakuba’s deductions and having to admit that he’d really been KID the entire time. But maybe it was about time that he sought the blond out. Hakuba had mentioned that his father had gone to him for advice on how to destroy Pandora after all and by now he was getting pretty desperate. There was always Koizumi, the local witch, but he’d rather face Hakuba than her.

Nodding to himself Kaito pulled his mind out of his meandering thoughts and realized that his legs had already started leading down the passages that would take him to the Hakuba manor. But just as he was reaching the end of the alley maze he found himself flying backwards. He’d collided with something, but it had happened too quickly for him to see what it was. The air rushed out of his lungs as he impacted against one of the alley’s walls. Before he could recover he was pinned to the wall by a pair of incredibly strong hands.

“What’s this?” a musical male voice mused. “A little kiddy wandering the streets at night?”

Kaito managed to pry his eyes open and froze. There was a tall slim handsome looking man staring down at him hungrily with dark red eyes that were nearly black.

“You’ll do,” the man mused after giving him a quick apprizing gaze. “I could use a snack. It’s been a while since I fed. Too bad though… you’re kind of cute looking.”


Kaito wasn’t sure what the man was going on about, but for the first time in a long time he was scared. Truly scared. There was something about this man that just screamed predator and he wanted to get away from him. He tried to wriggle out of the man’s grasp, but he might as well have been trying to move a stone wall.

“Well aren’t we feisty,” the man smirked, licking up the side of Kaito’s neck. Kaito shivered. Not just because the man was licking him, but also because the guy’s tongue was unusually cold.

And then the man bit into his neck hard and there was excruciating pain as the man began to drink his blood. Kaito screamed, trying his best to move the man off of him, but he was held down, a cold unyielding hand grabbing his head and holding it aside to expose his neck further.

And then the man was gone just as suddenly as he’d come and Kaito found himself sliding down the wall and collapsing to the alley floor. He could hear animalistic snarls and growls and now it was his assailant that was screaming. There were loud cracking and tearing sounds and soon the man’s scream’s ceased and was replaced with the crackling of fire. Roughly a minute later someone’s firm cold hands were holding the sides of his face. For a moment Kaito was scared that his assailant had come back, but the touch was gentle. Prying his eyes open Kaito found himself staring up at Hakuba, the very person he’d been on his way to see. The blond’s golden eyes were shining with fear and worry.


Kaito opened his mouth to respond but then the sore aching pain in his neck was replaced with a burning sensation and he gasped, whimpering as the feeling increase.

“No…” he barely heard Hakuba gasp, pressing a hand over the bite on Kaito’s neck. The cool skin of the other soothed the pain for a couple seconds, but the burning continued.

“Hakuba,” he cried, clutching at the other teen’s forearms.

Hakuba shushed him, hands moving over him frantically, trying to sooth him. But then the half-Brit froze, going completely still for a few seconds. Kaito strained his hearing, trying to push past the pain, but he couldn’t pick up whatever it was that had alarmed the other teen.

“Shit,” the Brit swore.

The next thing that Kaito was aware of, he was gathered up in Hakuba’s arms and it felt as if they were flying. He wondered if he was in so much pain that he was hallucinating. He couldn’t really focus on anything more though because the burning in his neck was steadily spreading throughout his body, working its way across his chest. He didn’t know how long he’d been out of it, but by the time he was conscious of what was going on again he found himself being set down by Hakuba in a forest. The blond quickly turned around and Kaito saw three new figures approach them: one man and two women. All three of them looked like they belonged on a runway or in a fashion magazine. When they spoke, he couldn’t hear them well enough to understand what they were saying to Hakuba over the roar of the blood rushing through his veins as the pain in his neck began to spread, but their voices were had a musical quality to them like the man who’d attacked him. One of the woman looked particularly vicious and got in Hakuba’s face, her high soprano voice cussing him out. Then she charged the blond teen in a blur of movement only to be thrown back when Hakuba’s movements also blurred.

The woman didn’t take too kindly to that and neither did her friends, and all three of them charged at Hakuba. Kaito watched with wide eyes – pain temporarily forgotten, restoring his full hearing – as he watched the four cease moving at normal speed. Then – to his horror – he heard a loud snap and a scream as the four darted apart. The first woman that had attacked Hakuba was screaming over a missing arm… an arm that Hakuba had in his grasp before tossing it aside. Kaito stared, dumbstruck at the severed limb. It looked like an arm torn off a stone statue and not of a living person. Looking at the spot where woman’s arm had previously been attached also looked like stone with the way it was cracked and little bits were still crumbling off.

The man and the other woman looked weary now, and were backing away from Hakuba.

“We leave now,” the man’s low baritone voice said in broken Japanese. “The boy your prey."

The woman next to him nodded.

“NO!” shrieked the first woman. “He killed my Hachi! He killed my mate!”

“Tohru,” the other woman spoke in a soothing alto. “I’m sorry, but-!”

“No! I will avenge him!”

The offended woman charged at Hakuba again.

“Tohru no!” the man and woman cried, but it was too late.

The enraged woman and Hakuba became nothing but a blur of movement again accompanied by growls and snarls. A couple seconds later there was another loud cracking and tearing sound and the woman’s body fell down in a heap, headless. Her head dangled by her hair in Hakuba’s grasp, her face frozen in an enraged snarl.

“Tohru!” the remaining woman cried, rushing forward, but was held back by the man.

Hakuba tossed the head down with the rest of the body. With his back turned to him Kaito couldn’t see what expression Hakuba had on his face, but whatever it was, was enough to scare the man and remaining woman.

“Will you choose to avenge her as well?” Hakuba asked in a chillingly neutral voice.

“No,” the man shook his head. “Tohru was fool.”

“She was my sister!” cried the woman.

“My condolences,” Hakuba said bowing slightly. “But even so, you all came after my friend in my territory. Leave now and be grateful I don’t end your existences as well.”

The man nodded eagerly and pulled his woman along, the two of them vanishing in a flash of movement.

Kaito watched numbly as Hakuba’s tense posture relaxed and he went about collecting the dead stone woman’s body parts. Then he succumbed to the burning pain again. He could faintly hear more tearing sounds and assumed that Hakuba was ripping the woman’s body apart even more.

For what felt like forever, Kaito eased in and out of consciousness. The burning only continued to get worse as the fire running through him seemed to consume him completely. Because not only was it spreading to every part of his body, it grew in strength and intensity the moment every millimeter of him was on fire. The flames consuming him became hotter and hotter to an unbelievable high. Kaito liked to think than throughout his career as KID he’d been in a lot of pain before and had built up a high tolerance, but this… this was hell. There was nothing worse than this. He’d rather have Snake shoot him a hundred – no, a thousand – times than suffer this.

He wanted to die. Wanted this pain to end. He wished that Hakuba would just rip him to pieces like he had with the woman and end it already. He screamed and writhed, but it did no good so he curled into a tight ball and whimpered and cried as he burned from the inside out.

Kaito didn’t know how long he’d been burning inside his own body, but gradually he began to grow aware of his surroundings again. He could think about more than just the pain. He could analyze what had started this. He could think back to his attack and figure out the reason why the woman Hakuba had ripped apart had been mad. She’d said that Hakuba had killed her mate, and the only person Kaito could think of was the man that had attacked him. Bit him. Tried to kill him. The man Hakuba must have saved him from. The man that Hakuba must have killed just like he’d killed that Tohru woman. He wasn’t sure what to think about that. Hakuba – Mister Righteous Detective – had killed someone – Two someones… who hadn’t been human…

The next thing Kaito became aware of was that his hearing had started working again. He could hear the rustling of trees, birds chirping, the sound of a nearby stream running, and Hakuba as he spoke to him, trying to calm him. The blond didn’t talk about anything of consequence, but his low tenor was soothing, and Kaito found himself appreciating the sound of it. He’d never really noticed how beautiful the half-Brit’s voice really was – he’d just assumed that it had always been the foreign accent that made the girls in their classes go nuts over the Londoner. Hakuba’s voice was music in and of itself and Kaito enjoyed it immensely whenever the blond got bored of talking and would sing. Then Kaito could truly appreciate the blond’s lyrical voice. No wonder the girls in their class had been so obsessed with him.

Occasionally he could feel a light pressure against his skin as a hand stroked his cheek, ran through his hair, or held his hand. Accompanied by that lovely sounding voice, Kaito was able to keep himself from drowning in the never-ending fire that consumed him.

Then the burning pain raging through him started to change and that was both good and bad. The good part was that Kaito could feel his fingers and toes again as the pain started to gradually retreat from his limbs. The bad thing about this was that the pain only seemed to be relocating to his throat and heart. He was parched. His throat was so dry it felt like it was made up of unquenchable tongues of fire. And the burning in his heart was even worse. His heart was beating rapidly, too fast to be healthy. He was surprised he hadn’t died of a heart attack by now. And even though Kaito didn’t see how it was possible, the pain in his chest surrounding his heart only continued to get worse as the burning retreated from his hands and feet and then from his head, arms and legs, leaving them blissfully cool.

Kaito could hear himself keening, screaming as the pain seemed to reach it’s peek. That roaring fire that had been consuming him for hours, days, weeks, months, years – Kaito didn’t know – exploded in his chest in the worst spike of pain yet. The fire scorched, constricting around his heart forcing it to beat faster and faster until suddenly it stopped. The pain had stopped. His heart had ceased beating… and yet he was still alive. Kaito took a moment to comprehend this impossible fact while also reveling in the numb and cool feeling that now soothed his tortured body. And then he opened his eyes, uncurled his body from the tight ball he’d been in and gazed around him in wonder.
I'd been debating about whether to put this up for a while now and just decided to go ahead and post it here. This is the result of watching Breaking Dawn Part 2, reading KaiHaku fics, and finding a promt for a kink meme for a vampire AU. :P

This obviously takes place after the events of Detective Conan and Magic Kaitou. As for the Twilight portion of the fic (which probably won't appear until chapters 6-8), this takes place around the middle of Breaking Dawn (book-wise). When we do get to the Twilight story/plot, Bella will have just been turned.

OK, how many of you noticed all the stuff I took and paraphrased from Bella's turning chapter in Breaking Dawn? Well expect to see more of that in the next couple of chapters if not the entire fic. I only have roughly 4-5 chapters written so far, but I'll do my best at uploading them soon if this fic gets enough attention. I hope you enjoyed reading this! please leave a comment below to tell me what you think and if I should continue writing this or not. :)

Hakuba and Kaito both belong to the genius mind of Gosho Aoyama and everything Twilight that was shamelessly used practically word for word from Breaking Dawn belongs to Stephanie Meyer.
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